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Happy Fall & Giving Tuesday (Nov 27th)

We hope you had a wonderful Summer and are now enjoying the beauty and wonder of Fall. As the days get colder and the nights draw in, this can often be a time for reflection and giving thanks. For everyone here at Thrive Nation, it's a time we celebrate the Thrivers we have helped and are currently helping and the growth and progress they have made as a result of our coaching together. It is also a time when we look forward to next year and start planning how we can help even more Thrivers thrive.

Young adults need more support We know that there are many young adults out there who are struggling because they are not getting the support they need. For example, many young adults attending further education are struggling with anxiety and depression.

According to the Center for Collegiate Mental Health, while enrollment increased by only 6%, there was a 30% increase in the number of students visiting counseling centers between 2009 and 2015.

*Center for Collegiate Mental Health, 2015 Annual Report, Penn State,

More recently, the American College Health Association’s Spring 2017 Survey of more than

63,000 students across 92 schools, found that

61% of students said they had experienced ‘overwhelming anxiety’

and 40% reported feeling so depressed their previous year they

found it hard to function.

*American College Health Association survey of 63,000 students at 92 schools;

Add to this the staggeringly low average of one university counselor for every 1,737 students where counselors themselves are experiencing ‘battle fatigue’ and we have a recipe for drop-out or worse.

*The Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors Annual Survey

Our coaching can help and it works Now our Thrive Coaches are coaches, not counselors, psychologists or psychiatrists, so we don't provide therapeutic support for formally diagnosed mental health conditions. So although we are not able to help with more serious mental health conditions, we know that our coaching can help and that it works. We say this not with arrogance, but with quiet humility and reverence for the young women and men who have let us into their lives. Coaching is an effective, powerful and life-changing way to help students navigate their way through college and all of the nervousness and challenges this can entail, from just-starting-out Freshmen through to about-to-graduate Seniors. What Thrivers say Just ask the several Thrivers whom we coached

as part of our collaboration with the Making Hope Happen Foundation.

When asked if he had achieved what he wanted to with Thrive Nation, one of our Thrivers said this:

“Yes, it was great - it made my first quarter of college much simpler as I had the help I needed.”

Another Thriver said this:

“The very first week, my Thrive Coach advised me to use Google calendar because I struggle with organizing my time. It has been such a lifesaver.”

Upon completing our coaching together, another Thriver said:

“Thank you for everything. I am happy that I was part of such an amazing program.”

All this to reaffirm: we know our coaching works. Coaching for all willing and able young adults And please know that Thrive Nation is here to help any young adult who is willing and able to engage fully in our coaching. It could be a young adult who yes, is starting or already at college, but it could also be a young adult who is already working. We also help young adults who are neither attending further education nor working. We are here for any young adult between 18 and 25 who needs and wants support.

Giving Tuesday - November 27th 2018

Speaking of support, our favorite Tuesday is coming up!

Giving Tuesday, which is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, has become a global phenomenon. People across the world give donations large and small to their favorite charities and non-profits, and we would be grateful and honored if you would consider making a donation to Thrive Nation. Any amount helps us to help change young adults' lives for the better and help them to thrive. So please join us for Giving Tuesday on November 27th or click the donation button above and make a donation today. And please help spread the word too by sharing this post. Thank you!

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